PDF Formulare - Funktionen
var c_ID = this.getField('CustomerID').value;
var c_name = this.getField('CustomerName').value;
var c_land = this.getField('CustomerCountry').value;
var betreff = 'Kundennummer: ' + c_ID + ' / Name: ' + c_name + " / Land: " + c_land;
var body = 'Das ist der Body der Nachricht';
this.mailDoc(false, "[email protected]", "", "", betreff, body );
Ergänzung zum obigen Beispiel / Erklärung der Parameter der Funktion mailDoc
bUI - (optional) If true (the default), the rest of the parameters are used in a
compose-new-message window that is displayed to the user. If false, the cTo
parameter is required and all others are optional.
Note: (Acrobat 7.0) When this method is executed in a non-privileged context, the
bUI parameter is not honored and defaults to true. See Privileged versus
non-privileged context.
cTo (optional) - The semicolon-delimited list of recipients for the message.
cCc (optional) - The semicolon-delimited list of CC recipients for the message.
cBcc (optional) - The semicolon-delimited list of BCC recipients for the message.
cSubject (optional) - The subject of the message. The length limit is 64 KB.
cMsg (optional) - The content of the message. The length limit is 64 KB.
Beispielcode (gefunden im Internet)
var Name = this.getField('Name01').value;
var Kst = this.getField('Kosten').value;
var EMail = this.getField('E-Mail-Adresse01').value;
var Standort = this.getField('Ort').value;
var Beschreibung = this.getField('Eindeutige Beschreibung').value;
var Wdatum = this.getField('Wunschdatum').value;
var Edatum = this.getField('Erstellungsdatum').value;
var DDR = this.getField('Drop-Down-Liste').valueAsString;
var Betreff = DDR + "_" + Standort + "_" + Name;
var msg = Name + "\n" + Kst + "\n" + EMail + "\n" + DDR + "\n" + Standort + "\n" + Beschreibung + "\n" + Wdatum + "\n" + Edatum + "\n" + "\n\nViele Grüße\n";
this.mailDoc({bUI: true,cTo: DDR,cCC: EMail,cBcc: "",cSubject: Betreff,cMsg: msg});
this.print(true); //Zeigt Druckdialog an
this.print(false); //Zeigt Druckdialog nicht an
this.print(false, this.pageNum, this.pageNum); //Druckt aktuelle Seite